Saturdays - arrrrggggghhh, see the mere mention of the word brings me out in a cold sweat and sends me into a fit of rage.
For as long as I can remember in this industry, Saturdays have always been a nightmare, regarding the newspapers arriving late from the wholesaler. A minimum, of 30 minutes late has become the norm, compounded by the delay of inserting the weekend supplements, getting the drivers away and newspaper deliveries commencing somewhere near to our schedule is no mean task.
In my humble or bigoted opinion, dependant on which member of my family you speak to, the directors and management team in any other industry, would look into the reasons behind the systemic delays and make changes to improve and resolve the problem but in the world of newspaper distribution its just allowed to continue and fester on (gripe over).
In faireness to the wholesaler, Smiths News, the delays are mainly caused by the newspaper publishers deliveries into their warehouse arriving late, leaving Smiths News very little or no time to achieve their own delivery schedules.